Finn’s  Fuji

Finn Mannion is a cellist and photographer currently living in Switzerland. With his roots and family in Scotland, Finn divides his time between two culturally-rich cities: Edinburgh and Basel.


Out of vulnerability often comes authenticity... and to capture that is generally the wish of both photographer and subject. I try to search for the honest portrait.

“Every portrait is a war between the sitter’s vanity, and the photographer’s guile.”

— Anon.

I have been creating images predominantly in black & white in order to try and ‘cut the noise’ while learning. However, I won’t neglect colour when I feel its necessity...

“Colours are the deeds and suffering of light.”

— Goethe


Street Photography

Street photography has always allowed me to feel more connected to places and moments in time. It’s one of my favourite ways to explore somewhere new, or re-discover somewhere familiar.

“Of course photography cannot create, nor express all we want to express. But it can be a witness of our passage on earth, like a notebook.”

— Mario Giacomelli